- No Donations or Charitable Solicitations. Includes charities and non-profit organizations without a valid 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, charitable solicitations, commercial fundraisers (including commercial co-venturers), or any activity associated with the solicitation of donations.
- No prohibited items or subject matter. No contests, raffles, drugs, pornography, or co-ventures. We have included a detailed list below:
Prohibited Projects:
Alcohol - in any form
Adult Oriented Material - the Internet has enough already
Collections Businesses - uncollectible debt, A/R receivable financing
Contests - Anything that involves prizes for winners
Coupons or Discounts - you cannot sell either on our site as a standalone item
Cash Equivalent Instruments - money orders, stored value products
Credit Services - credit counseling, repair, protection and identity theft
Donations or Charitable Solicitations - 501(c)3, non-profit, tax-exempt
Drugs - drugs, drug paraphenalia, anything your parents object to
Money Service Businesses - Offshore banking, check cashing services
Weapons - firearms, knives, nunchucks, bo staffs, shurikens
Gambling Businesses - poker, lotteries, games of chance
Healthcare Discount Programs - including membership programs
Illegal, Inappropriate, or Offensive Items/Activities - violates laws, angers citizens
Marketing Businesses - multi-level marketing, telemarketing, up-sell, infomercial merchants
Miracle Cure Products - anything offering guaranteed results other than spinach
Get Rich Quick Schemes - anything involving "prizes" or promises of guaranteed results
Phone Sevices - 800 or 900 phone number, text services, prepaid phone cards
Regulated Activities - bail bonds, security brokers, bankruptcy attorneys
Tobacco Products - includes cigars, cigarettes - all tobacco basically
Travel and Time Shares - no agencies, tour operators, clubs, packages
If you have any questions in regards to whether or not your project may violate our guidelines, please contact us at [email protected]